Angels & Airwaves Patch

Discussion in 'Zoom G1/G1X Four' started by MesaDude, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. MesaDude

    MesaDude New Member

    Hello, I am new to this entire world and just got my g1x four.

    Could anyone help me create a patch for angels and airwaves - the adventure?

    I’ve tried myself but seem to fail being a noob to all this.

    thanks for any help guys!
  2. Aidan Feners

    Aidan Feners New Member

    Hello mate!, I tried to get it close of off what Tom said in the pursuit of tone doc, feel free to mess about with it and tell me where i'm going wrong!!

    Attached Files:

    RAlvarez likes this.
  3. MesaDude

    MesaDude New Member

    Hey man! Thanks so much, I’m away from the guitar until tomorrow. Will get back to you as soon as I give this a shot! Thanks again