steve harris Device: Zoom B1on Firmware: 1.21 Name on device: Lemmy Optimized for: Guitar Amp Effects chain: Patch comments: This clean sound with a prominent echo can be used during quiet sections of songs. Spoiler: Patch settings Effect: "Bass OD" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes" "Gain" = 60"Tone" = 50"Level" = 50"Bal" = 35 Effect: "BassDrive" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes" "Bass" = 1"Trebl" = 6"Prese" = 1"Gain" = 50"Blend" = 60"Level" = 50"Mid" = 4 Effect: "Ba GEQ" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes" "50Hz" = -5"120Hz" = -2"400Hz" = 3"500Hz" = 3"800Hz" = 3"4.5kHz" = -2"10kHz" = -5"Level" = 50 Effect: "SuperB" (Amp simulators), active - "yes" "Bass" = 0"Mid" = 7"Trebl" = 2"Mid_F" = 250Hz"Gain" = 75"Level" = 50"Prese" = 8"CAB" = Marshall 1935a"Mix" = 50 Patch Volume: 100 Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib software to use the patch.