Violin Patch?

Discussion in 'Zoom G1/G1X Four' started by Bubomb, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. Bubomb

    Bubomb New Member

  2. Agropescas

    Agropescas New Member

    did you made one?
  3. electrotune

    electrotune Member

    Toshihiro Nakanishi Custom A1 FOUR / A1X FOUR PATCHES
    • Evn Trick - This distortion sound for electric violin uses Vn DIST and Vn Chorus.
    • Vn Harp - This uses PolyOctUp and Ac TpEcho to create a mysterious violin sound. Pizzicato playing can generate reverberations like a harp.
    • Vn Unsn VC - This sound for violin uses PolyOctDw to create the sound of a cello playing an octave in unison.
    • Evn Funk - This funky electric violin sound uses Vn A.Wah.
    • Vn Vision - This spacey sound for violin uses DualPitch.
    Perhaps, someone with A1 FOUR could upload the actual custom "creator" patches here.
    Also, it may be possible to replicate the coloring using the equivalent effects.

    By the way, Evn: Electric Violin, Vn: Violin, VC: Violoncello.
    There are 5 factory A1 FOUR presets for Vn and Evn (Vn LiveJam, Vn Orchest, Vn N'sWah, EVn Acoust, EVn Dist), most of these end the chain with a delay (Ac TpEcho or AnalogDly) and a reverb (DryPlate). I would assume the "creator" patches have these too at the end.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
  4. electrotune

    electrotune Member

    Here are the parameters of the "Vn Unsn VC" patch above; it makes use of PolyOctDwn (Polyphonic Octave Down) effect:

    Vn Unsn VC:{
    E. Vn GEQ:{131:1.0, 220:0.0, 450:0.0, 800:0.0, 2,2k:0.0, 3.1k:0.0, 7.0k:0.0, Vol:80}
    PolyOctDw:{Color:Aco, Tone:60, Wet:74, Dry:80}
    Ac TpEcho:{Time:380, F.B:20, Mix:34, Tail:Off}
    DryPlate:{PreD:160, Decay:50, LoDMP:27, Mix:12}​

    Basically, the used effects are mostly at their default settings:
    • E. Vn GEQ is to bump a bit low freq (131)
    • PolyOctDw to add the lower octave, bumping Tone up a bit, and slightly decreasing its Wet signal
    • Ac TpEcho adds delay with slightly bumped time, yet lowered Wet signal
    • DryPlate adds reverb with much lower params for less effect
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2023
  5. Ken Eckert

    Ken Eckert New Member This is what I've tried. To clarify, the patch allows an electric guitar (here an electric ukulele) to sound like a violin. I've used a slow attack, a bit of overdrive, and rolling off the low-end EQ to approximate a violin. I've also found adding a hint of upper octave adds some violin-ey brilliance to the sound. This is what it sounds like. You can't pick too fast, because the G3xn only fades in the attack at the beginning of a phrase. You could try using the volume pedal, but I ran out of slots. :


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 14, 2024
  6. dbr2586

    dbr2586 New Member

    I wouldn't call these simulator patches, because they're made to be played with an actual violin, and they're designed to bring out or manipulate the sound of a violin, with the frequencies and all the other sound characteristics that come with it. I mention this not to be pedantic, but just to clarify that these might not give you what you're wanting.

    As far as the patches themselves go, the things that make them unique and violin-specific are Zoom A1 Four-specific effects, like the violin EQ and octave effects designed specifically for violin. I know you can put effects from one Zoom Multistomp on another thanks to the firmware crack, but I'm not sure about the G1 Four, A1 Four, etc. My impression was that you can't do it with them—although I'd love to be wrong (someone please let me know).
  7. dbr2586

    dbr2586 New Member

    I have the A1 Four and could share them, but I'm not sure how useful it would be, given what I said in my comment above.
  8. dbr2586

    dbr2586 New Member

    Oh, nice! For some reason, the video wasn't showing up for me earlier, so I wasn't able to hear it, but now that I have, I can confirm—and I say this as a violinist—that this is a good violin patch! I don't know how much of it's depending on the context and the playing style, but it sounds convincing to me in this particular mix, and that's what counts at the end of the day!
    Ken Eckert likes this.