GFX can't use mp3 backingtrack on linux

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by hmollercl, Dec 19, 2021.

  1. hmollercl

    hmollercl New Member

    When I try to load an mp3 it says "unknown audio file format". Pre recorded wav works ok.
  2. Dr.Axelbauer

    Dr.Axelbauer New Member

    This might have to do, that mp3 is not a free audio format and is by default not support by linux distros. You have to install restricted plugins or just convert the mp3 file to ogg. I would suggest the later. For conversion use "Soundkonverter" or if you are familiar with the commandline:
    ffmpeg -i file.mp3 file.ogg
    Then try again. It might help.
  3. hmollercl

    hmollercl New Member

    Thanks for you answer, I forgot to mention than I already have *ubuntu-restricted-extras installed and still doesn't work.
    Using ogg (and wav) files works.

  4. Dr.Axelbauer

    Dr.Axelbauer New Member

    Yeah...I think in the end it's a legal issue regarding software using mp3 (proprietary format). My weapon of choice: install this service for dolphin (if you are using KDE) Convert to mp3/ogg within dolphin. It let's you quickly convert audio/video to ogg via the context menu of dolphin. cheers