30 Effects for zoom g5n

Discussion in 'Zoom G3n/G3Xn/G5n' started by hurricaneabel, Jul 16, 2022.

  1. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    eai pessoal, tudo bem com vcs? eu fiz mais uma lista com os efeitos que eu criei/editei e tenho usado recentemente, para covers e até musicas autorais. Vou postar do mesmo jeito que postei o primeiro pack, o arquivo vai vir compactado em zip, para usa-los, vocês precisam extrair o arquivo em algum lugar do seu pc/android, e usar os efeitos, lembrando que para usar tem que ter instalado o tonelib zoom no seu pc/android.

    hey guys, how are you? I made another list with the effects that I created/edited and have been using recently, for covers and even original songs. I'm going to post the same way I posted the first pack, the file will come zipped, to use them, you need to extract the file somewhere on your pc/android, and use the effects, remembering that to use you must have installed tonelib zoom on your pc/android.

    ¿Hola chicos, como están? Hice otra lista con los efectos que creé/edité y he estado usando recientemente, para versiones e incluso canciones originales. Voy a publicar de la misma manera que publiqué el primer paquete, el archivo vendrá comprimido, para usarlos, debes extraer el archivo en algún lugar de tu PC/Android y usar los efectos, recordando que para usarlos debes tener instaló tonelib zoom en su pc/android.

    lista de efeitos:
    effects list:
    lista de efectos:

    1 - Acoustic Ambience - AC30 AMBI
    2 - Crunch for worship (juninho afram) - Afram Crun
    3 - Clean for Worship (juninho afram) - Afram Limp
    4 - Solo for worship (juninho afram) - Afram Solo
    5 - Drive (album and justice for all - metallica) - andjustd
    6 - Canon Rock drive - canonrock
    7 - Chorus - CHORUS
    8 - Chorus Clean - Chorus Clin
    9 - Drive for Black Sabbath/Dio - Dio BlkSab
    10 - Distortion for solo - DIst Solo
    11 - Distortion solo (eye in the sky - the alan parsons project) - EyeInSKy
    12 - Distortion solo ( comfortably Numb) - Floyd Solo
    13 - Distortion solo (Kiko Loureiro) - kiko
    14 - Distortion Iron Maiden covers - MaidenLead
    15 - Distortion Megadeth - megadeth
    16 - Distortion Master Of Puppets - Metallica - MstrPupp2
    17 - Distortion Base (metalcore) - mtcorebase
    18 - Distortion Solo (metalcore) - mtcoresolo
    19 - Disortion Scorpions - Scorpions
    20 - Distortion for solos - Solo Nice1
    21 - My Personal Solo patch - SoloDist
    22 - Distortion for solos - solonice
    23 - Stratovarius - Stratovari
    24 - Synth sound - StringGt
    25 - Sultans Of Swing Clean - SultansSwi
    26 - My personal acoustic patch - TAcoustic
    27 - Worship Clean - worship cl
    28 - Worship overdrive - worship od
    29 - Worship solo drive - worship so
    30 - Zakk Wylde drive - ZakkWylde

    Attached Files:

    infusion and Kallie like this.
  2. Ive tried a few of these. They are really cool- the "Alan Parsons Proj" especially. Dating myself, there, I have Turn of Friendly Card on LP. LOL
    hurricaneabel likes this.
  3. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    Thank you very much for the feedback, I hope it helped and you liked the effects. <3
  4. raju raphael

    raju raphael New Member

    very good patches ...thanks
  5. IvanK.

    IvanK. New Member

    Подскажите пожалуйста, а для модифицированной прошивки из b3n в g3n есть возможность сделать???
  6. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    Не могли бы вы уточнить, что вы имеете в виду? если можно на английском
    IvanK. likes this.
  7. IvanK.

    IvanK. New Member

    Ok.Please tell me, and for the modified firmware from b3n to g3n there is an opportunity to do??? or Spoiler: Patch Settings???
  8. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    I could even do it, but I need to see which patches you want so I can send you the settings, which ones from the list are you interested in?
  9. IvanK.

    IvanK. New Member

    please or 26-30???
  10. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    ok lets go

    26 - My personal acoustic patch - TAcoustic
    ZNR - RACKCOMP - CHORUS - ACO SIM - FD TWNR - CHAMBER (this is the chain of effects)



    CHORUS: DEPTH:100, RATE:15, TONE:8, MIX:37

    ACO SIM: TOP:26, BODY:59, TONE:69, VOLUME:78

    FD TWNR: BASS:47, MID:45, TREBLE:45, BRIGHT: ON, GAIN:32, VOLUME: (you adjust as needed), Depth:51, Speed:50 - ps: the fd twnr has 2 buttons 1 for amp, 1 for his effect in this case a tremolo, if you want a tremolo do you switch on the second button for amp)

    IvanK. likes this.
  11. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    worship cl.png
    27 - Worship Clean - worship cl

    the image contains the effects chain and the presets for each effect
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
    IvanK. likes this.
  12. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    28 - Worship overdrive - worship od
    worship od.png
  13. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    29 - Worship solo drive - worship so

    worship solo.png
    IvanK. likes this.
  14. IvanK.

    IvanK. New Member

    it's beautiful, great. thanks
    and 30 please?
  15. Farax

    Farax New Member

    Hey man can you please give 5, 13, 15 and 16
    I can't put that in my tonelib beacouse i have Zoom G1
    hurricaneabel likes this.
  16. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    5 - andjustic.png
    4 - andjustic
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2024
  17. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    13 - kiko 13 - kiko.png
  18. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    15 - megadeth.png
    15 - megadeth
  19. hurricaneabel

    hurricaneabel Member

    16 - MstrPupp2 16 - MstrPupp2.png
  20. Pietro10

    Pietro10 New Member

    are they also good for zoom g3xn? beautiful patch
    could you possibly make them for zoom g3xn?