GIFT. G1xon Modified personal Restoration Point (Decompress ZIP). There are many clean rock sounds.

Discussion in 'Zoom G1on/G1Xon' started by yoyoyo, Nov 5, 2023.

  1. yoyoyo

    yoyoyo New Member

    GIFT. G1xon modified personal restoration point (Decompress ZIP FILE). There are many clean rock sounds, others soft heavy. I would like you to share as well. I can't make harsher sounds that don't make my ears explode. It also happens to me with the mooer ge150. Then I'll get with him. For cleaner, blues and soft rock type sounds I almost prefer the Zoom G1XON, the Mooer Ge150 is frustrating for clean. I will get harder sounds although there is also work to adjust it.
    I'm Spanish, I don't know what the translation is like.

    Attached Files:

    LIO and Sandro Battista like this.
  2. aonyate

    aonyate New Member

    Mil gracias, tío! Merecerá la pena probarlos!

    Lotta thanks, dude! Worth try it!

    And as he has said in another post, before you restore this file, do a full backup of your G1Xon... and then import his'.
  3. Lawyer Dave

    Lawyer Dave New Member

    Many thanks, dear friend.
  4. Sandro Battista

    Sandro Battista New Member

    Thank you. Very good job!
  5. aart5955

    aart5955 New Member

    thanks man
  6. LIO

    LIO New Member

    thanks a lot!but I dont how to use them after downloaded ,SOS