more yes sounds the sounds of band yes Preset name: Empty Preset Comments: nice tones Effects chain: Spoiler: Preset settings Effect: "Bass SVT" (Amp simulators), active - "yes" { "Bass Ctrl" = Off"Midrange" = 200 Hz"Ultra Hi" = Off"Bass" = 0"Middle" = 0"Treble" = 0"Volume" = 50"Level (dB)" = 20} Effect: "Bass IRs Cab" (Cabinets), active - "yes" { "Model" = Ampeg SVT 810e (8x10")"Mic Position" = Middle"Mic Distance" = Far"Low Cut (Hz)" = 0"Hi Cut (kHz)" = 20.0"Mix" = 100"Level (dB)" = 7} Effect: "Spring Rvb" (Reverberation), active - "yes" { "Time" = 7.0"PreDelay" = 0"LoDamp" = 16"HiDamp" = 26"Mix" = 42} Effect: "Ms Plexi" (Amp simulators), active - "yes" { "Gain" = 50"Bass" = 50"Middle" = 50"Treble" = 50"Presence" = 50"Master" = 49"Level (dB)" = 0} Effect: "Tube Warmth" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes" { "Input" = 50"Warmth" = 62"Level" = 50} Effect: "PitchShift" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes" { "Pitch" = 7"Fine" = 0"Tracking" = 85"Direct" = 100"Effect" = 80} Effect: "Splitter" (Dynamics / Filter) { "A-Bypass" = Off"A-Pan" = -25"A-Level" = 55"B-Bypass" = Off"B-Pan" = 25"B-Level" = 55"Width" = 0 'A' branch: { Effect: "Booster" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes" { "Gain" = 81} Effect: "TalkSyn" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes" { "Attack" = 5.0"Depth" = 100"Trans" = E -> I"Char" = 5.0"Polarity" = Down"Sens" = 50} } 'B' branch: { Effect: "DuoPhase" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes" { "Speed A" = 4.1"Speed B" = 2.1"Depth" = 76"Reso" = 15"Mode" = Parallel} } } Note: You will need to download and install the ToneLib-GFX software to use the preset.