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I've been trying to see Ozielzinho 10 presets for a long time... can anyone share it here? I can't open it because my pedal multieffects is a zoom...
I'm looking for a patch to emulate "The Catalinbread Formula 55" on Zoom G5n. Any thoughts? Here how it sounds like: [MEDIA]
ptbr: contém meus efeitos que eu criei para tocar as musicas dos mamonas, nesse pack tem: 1 distorção para base 2 distorção para solos (com wahwah...
It's there someone who could convert and send to me the tonelib format of The Guitarist Ozielzinho Gn5 patches please? Thank you so much for your...
i have searched in the forum and found other requesters but no responce so i thought i would renew the request ....thanks in advance.
Distortion for Barracuda - Heart brunorsf