2 bugs: TonelibGFX newer than 4.5.2 is crashing host on CAB sim select, no panels in VST3 version

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by WojtekS, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. WojtekS

    WojtekS New Member

    Hi Tonelib!
    My ToneLibGFX crashes my DAW (Ardour 6.9 under Linux) always if I try to use CAB sim or Impulse response loader.
    Last correctly working version is 4.5.2, every newer than that is crashing. It doesn't matter if this is LxVST or VST3 version, all crashes the same.

    A short video I've just made (non public):

    BTW: The VST3 version has a bug: the side panels (with Presets on the left and Effects / Impulses on the right) are invisible. Screenshot attached:(

    Attached Files:

  2. WojtekS

    WojtekS New Member

    It's been 2 weeks and I'd like to know if there's any progress in this regard?
  3. Dr.Axelbauer

    Dr.Axelbauer New Member

    I am encountering the same problem! This bug is definitely critical. It makes tonelib gfx unusable inside ardour.

    UbuntuStudio 21.04
    Ardour 6.6.0

    Using the vst plugin inside Ardour just crashes whenever IR is selected or part of the chain!

    Is there a possibility to download 4.5.2 version from somewhere as to have a workaround?
  4. WojtekS

    WojtekS New Member

    Tonelib seems to have abandoned this project... :(
    This information must be disseminated on the Internet so that potential customers do not fall for the fool and buy a product that does not work.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2022
  5. Dr.Axelbauer

    Dr.Axelbauer New Member

    Hmm that seems too bad. But it is strange because, it shouldn't be too much work to get the stuff going in linux...compatiblity is very good on open systems and lv2....
    Anyway...could you send me the 4.5.2 version of the plugin, so that at least I get a working version?

    BTW: Is Wine a possibility to get the plugin working?I don't know if it is possible to start the plugin within ardour with wine (...as far as I know, carla is capable of this..)
  6. Vasilis Lambrou

    Vasilis Lambrou New Member

    Hey mate! Me too having the same problem, did you find the 4.5.2 version? I would like to get it too, haven't found anything online.
  7. ab12cd34

    ab12cd34 New Member

    Same here - tonelib-gfx crashes ardour and so does the new tonelib-metal. I raised a bug on it already and it was completely ignored by the Tonelib devs.
    loboblake likes this.
  8. Admin

    Admin Administrator Staff Member

    Hey guys, just a quick note here.

    We have been aware of this problem with TL GFX not working correctly in Ardour. Our team has been trying for a long time to determine the cause of this problem and to fix it by ensuring stable work of VST and VST3 plug-ins in this DAW.
    And in the latest version we have succeeded after all.

    In the latest builds of TL GFX and TL Metal this problem should be fixed, and both of these products should work stable in Ardour.
    Please re-download and reinstall the latest version of our products on the download page or via the following direct links:



    Please accept our sincere apologies for having to deal with such inconveniences for a long time.

    Best regards,
    ToneLib Team
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
    Vasilis Lambrou likes this.
  9. Vasilis Lambrou

    Vasilis Lambrou New Member

    Almost a year after the whole thing started, having lost all hope and configuring my projects with all sorts of alternatives, FINALLY it's over! I've tested it and it works! My projects are loading normally again! Pleeeease, keep it going like that! Thanks a ton(even at this late stage) Tonelib Team!
  10. WojtekS

    WojtekS New Member

  11. xylph

    xylph New Member

    It works for me, next step:
  12. Spatry

    Spatry New Member

    I can confirm Tonelib-GFX is now working as expected in Ardour on Arch Linux. In order to access my presets I needed scale the plugin window UP then Down for the panels to display. WELL DONE.
  13. Dr.Axelbauer

    Dr.Axelbauer New Member


    Great work! Can confirm it on UbuntuStudio 20.04. This is awesome...