5 Feature requests

Discussion in 'Testimonials & Suggestions' started by stenc55, Dec 29, 2022.

  1. stenc55

    stenc55 New Member

    5 feature requests.
    1. Fullscreen borderless GUI without top title bar. I am building stompbox with 7" screen and while title bar does not take much space, it bothers the s... out of my OCD.
    2. "Concert scene". Entire screen 4 buttons (because there are 4 presets in bank) with only number and name on each (like 16C "Danny's Orange") of the preset. Same reason as previous. I don't need all cluttered info on 7" screen that is on average at least 2m away from my eyes. Only 4 big buttons.
    3. Ability to call Tuner with MIDI CC. I have absolutely no idea why can it be called with keyboard shortcut but not with MIDI? In fact, why is there the difference between keyboard shortcuts and MIDI commands? Now I have to use entire MIDItoKey program just to call a single shortcut when I want Tuner.
    4. Usable Looper without gap.
    5. Add Orange to Tonelib metal and add online presets database like there are for Tonelib GFX.

    Thank you
  2. cyberhippie

    cyberhippie New Member

    Good GFX requests! I'm not surprised about the tuner lack of midi, the midi implementation in this software may be it's weakest point. Like the way the software doesn't respond to program change messages in the usual way. (you have to be in continuous controller mode not patch change mode on your midi foot controller) So if your controller has 8 buttons, you have to use 2 for patch up and down, now you only have 6 buttons to use as effect on/off or whatever. And the worst part-only able to use 8 cc's for effects. I mean, it's SOFTWARE for cryin' out loud. Why should there be a limit on cc's at all?? I can make a chain with 12 effects but can only turn 8 on or off or use a wah, switch amps etc. 8 total-that's it. I considered using this live, but that's a deal breaker
  3. stenc55

    stenc55 New Member

    I made my own foot controller (https://www.printables.com/model/330041-guitar-stompbox) with 20 effective switches, and I can program any MIDI command I want to be sent by Arduino. Cost is ~ 45€. My next project will be installing HW from unused windows tablet into box directly, that's why I would need some improved GUI and more MIDI commands to avoid need for software to convert MIDI to keyboard key press.
  4. cyberhippie

    cyberhippie New Member

    I have a Roland FC200. It has a program change mode and a continuous controller mode. In other software, I can change banks and patches when the pedal is in program change mode, but not GFX. GFX only responds to midi CC commands. So if you have a pedal capable of using switches for multiple purposes like mine, you lose that ability. Then switches that you would have used to turn effects on/off must be dedicated to patch change and (if you want it) bank change. The other controller problem is a software limit. If you go to: preferences>midi you'll see that under the section "effects chain" that there are only 8 controllers available for your entire effects chain. You would use 4 controllers to have a delay with tap tempo and a wah with on/off switch, rotary uses 2 controllers. In this case, 8 is NOT enough!