Alice in the chains

Discussion in 'Zoom G3n/G3Xn/G5n' started by Alain Picard, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. Alain Picard

    Alain Picard New Member

    Hello, I just purchase my Zoom G3XN and I'm looking to get or make a patch to sound a bit like Alice in the chains, album Facelift.

    Anyone have or did something here?

    Best to all.
  2. Kamtugexa

    Kamtugexa Member

  3. Alain Picard

    Alain Picard New Member

    Thank you so much but, I'm looking more for a sound like the album "Dirt".

    Happy new year to all!
  4. Kamtugexa

    Kamtugexa Member

    Happy New Year