anyone else had this problome?

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Travis W, Aug 22, 2021.

  1. Travis W

    Travis W New Member

    I really like this amp sim when it works.. but i keep getting a crackel static i cant get ride of.. i have tryed 3 diffrent computers 2 diffrent cables 2 diffrent guitars and 2 diffrent audio interfaces and 2 diffrent usb cables.. it works grate some times but will out of no were just start crackeling only when i start playing.. i reboot wait a bit and sometimes i works grate.. its hit and miss i have changed every thing but the softwear ..I am running a focusrite solo a squier telecaster .. i also have a ibanez rg 220 b several fender cables i have tryed all this on my laptop and 2 desktop computers same thing i also had a behringer um2 interface i tryed.. anyone have a problome like this? any ideas?

    Thanks for any help..
  2. JimH

    JimH New Member

    What operating system are you using?
  3. Travis W

    Travis W New Member

    Linux Mint 20.2 64-bit
  4. JimH

    JimH New Member

    I had great success getting rid of the crackles and pops and latency issues using Ubuntu Studio. It's a complete distro, but it is also a utility that can be used to install a lot of useful audio tools and other things, including a low-latency kernel. It is supported on any Ubuntu distro, I don't think it would work on Mint, but I never tried it.

    *edit for spelling*
  5. Travis W

    Travis W New Member

    Thanks I had no idea linux had a studio distro .. I installed it and seems to have fix the problom as well as getting some cool new softwear I didn't know about