
Discussion in 'Zoom G3n/G3Xn/G5n' started by Banbeg, Dec 31, 2022.

  1. Banbeg

    Banbeg New Member


    Device: Zoom G3Xn
    Firmware: 2.20

    Name on device: Fool Stock
    Optimized for: Guitar Amp

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    ZZtop strat style neck pu Fool for your stockings

    Effect: "Comp" (Dynamics), active - "no"
    "Sense" = 4
    "Attack" = Slow
    "Tone" = 3
    "Volume" = 58

    Effect: "FD B-MAN" (Amp simulator), active - "yes"
    "Input" = NORMAL
    "Bass" = 40
    "Middle" = 70
    "Treble" = 48
    "Presence" = 39
    "Gain" = 57
    "Volume" = 63
    "SOLO" = 2

    Effect: "Plate" (Reverb), active - "yes"
    "PreD" = 48
    "Decay" = 25
    "Mix" = 45
    "Tail" = On

    Patch Volume: 70
    DSP Load: 38%

    Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib-Zoom software to use the patch.

    Attached Files: