Edit of blackmetal

Discussion in 'Zoom G1/G1X Four' started by Catnip King, Jan 27, 2025.

  1. Catnip King

    Catnip King New Member

    Retweak of BLK1 (black metal)
    Device: Zoom G1X Four
    Firmware: 2.00

    Name on device: BLK2
    Optimized for: Phones/Speaker

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    originally BLK1 from romane3000 at https://tonelib.net/forums/threads/blk-1.14273/ || original is great for shredding but I messed with the EQ a bit for a more coherent low-end.

    Effect: "PitchSHFT" (Modulation), active - "yes"
    "Shift" = -3
    "Fine" = 0
    "Tone" = 10
    "Balance" = 100

    Effect: "HG THRTTL" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 35
    "Tone" = 100
    "MdCut" = 35
    "Volume" = 30

    Effect: "BG MK1" (Amp simulator), active - "yes"
    "Bass" = 53
    "Middle" = 50
    "Treble" = 60
    "Presence" = 66
    "Gain1" = 72
    "Gain2" = 40
    "Volume" = 70

    Effect: "BGN4x12" (Cabinet), active - "yes"
    "MIC" = ON
    "D57: D421" = 0
    "Hi" = 90
    "Lo" = 25

    Effect: "Gt GEQ 7" (Filter), active - "yes"
    "100" = 2.0
    "200" = 2.0
    "400" = -0.5
    "800" = 2.0
    "1.6k" = -1.0
    "3.2k" = 2.0
    "6.4k" = 1.5
    "VOL" = 50
    Patch Volume: 43
    DSP Load: 84%

    Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib-Zoom software to use the patch.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2025
  2. Catnip King

    Catnip King New Member

    I was trying to just upload a file to respond to the linked thread with but I can't find a delete thread button so, I guess a seperate thread will do. I really made very minor tweaks to like four settings. Go review the other guy's post positively.