Factory [066]: WarmUp

Discussion in 'Zoom B3n' started by Tonelib, May 20, 2018.

  1. Tonelib

    Tonelib Administrator

    Factory [066]: WarmUp

    Device: Zoom B3n
    Firmware: 2.00

    Name on device: WarmUp
    Optimized for: Phones/Speaker

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    This setting uses Rhythm and LP-MONO for a sound that is perfect for practice and warming up.

    Effect: "AG 750" (Amp simulator), active - "yes"
    "Bass" = 55
    "Middle" = 33
    "Treble" = 55
    "Gain" = 50
    "Bright" = On
    "Deep" = Off
    "Volume" = 50
    "SOLO" = 5

    Effect: "AG4x10TW" (Cabinet), active - "yes"
    "DYN20" = 100
    "DYN57" = 0
    "Bottom" = 35
    "Balance" = 30

    Effect: "HD Hall" (Reverb), active - "yes"
    "PreD" = 47
    "Decay" = 50
    "Mix" = 62
    "Tail" = On

    Effect: "LP-MONO" (Rhythm and Looper), active - "yes"
    "Start time" = Manual
    "Undo" = Off
    "Stop" = Stop
    "Volume" = 80

    Effect: "Rhythm" (Rhythm and Looper), active - "yes"
    "Pattern" = 8Beats1 4/4
    "Unknown1" = 0
    "Unknown2" = 0
    "Volume" = 30

    Patch Volume: 115
    Dsp Load: 75%

    Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib software to use the patch.

    Attached Files: