Filter like cry baby

Discussion in 'Zoom G1on/G1Xon' started by stuart, Feb 20, 2022.

  1. stuart

    stuart Member

    Filter like cry baby

    Device: Zoom G1Xon
    Firmware: 1.21

    Name on device: F CRY BABY
    Optimized for: Phones/Speaker

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    Filter like cry baby

    Effect: "GraphicEQ" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "160Hz" = 0
    "400Hz" = -12
    "800Hz" = 12
    "3.2kHz" = 12
    "6.4kHz" = -12
    "12kHz" = -12
    "Level" = 150

    Effect: "ParaEQ" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Freq1" = 80Hz
    "Q1" = 0.5
    "Gain1" = 0
    "Freq2" = 630Hz
    "Q2" = 0.5
    "Gain2" = 12
    "Level" = 100

    Effect: "Dist 1" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 40
    "Tone" = 50
    "Level" = 100

    Effect: "Plate" (Delay / Reverb), active - "yes"
    "PreD" = 63
    "Decay" = 65
    "Mix" = 20
    "Color" = 100
    "LoDMP" = 0
    "HiDMP" = 95
    "Tail" = On
    "Level" = 39

    Effect: "ZNR" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "THRSH" = 2
    "DETCT" = GtrIn
    "Level" = 150

    Patch Volume: 100

    Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib-Zoom software to use the patch.

    Attached Files:

  2. stuart

    stuart Member

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2022
  3. xcintax

    xcintax New Member