G1X Four stereo output to mono amp

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by DaveT2, Jun 15, 2019.

  1. DaveT2

    DaveT2 New Member

    In this case though I doubt if there are any resistors in that plug. Everything I read said you run a risk of damaging something if you just connect the two channels to one plug. But if it works for you that is good.
  2. Beatnick

    Beatnick New Member

    At the time I needed mine, Radio Shack was still around so it was pretty easy to look through their stuff on the shelf and find what I needed.
  3. Beatnick

    Beatnick New Member

    I'll look into that, but I never gave it any thought. It's just converting a stereo signal to mono.

    And after reading a bit online there is many places that mentions creating circuit boards with resistors to convert stereo to mono. Maybe the stuff I bought at Radio Shack had them built in, but like you said, I doubt it. Maybe it's not a huge issue for me because I don't play at loud volumes (I'm just playing at home, usually for direct recording.).

    Ian, you may want to listen to Dave it sounds like he knows more than I do. Especially since you are running into an amp where you probably will have loud volumes.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  4. DaveT2

    DaveT2 New Member

    I miss Radio Shack.
    I don't know that I know more than others here, but I researched this a lot online before I made my adapter. Even though the Zoom was inexpensive, I didn't want to take a chance. Thanks for all of your inputs on this question.
  5. Beatnick

    Beatnick New Member

    I would say the risk is more to the amp. Combining two signals should make it louder and potentially overload the amp, but I'd have to research it more.
    DaveT2 likes this.
  6. IanM233

    IanM233 New Member

    I’ve also had a look online and it seems Dave is correct. Have to admit I’ve done this on quite a few occasions over the years, and it never occurred to me that there was a risk involved! What risk there is in this particular instance I have no idea, apart from possibly overloading the amp as mentioned by Beatnick.

    Beatnick and DaveT2 like this.