Recently watched a youtube video comparing axe fx fm3 , line 6 mini helix , and a real plexi type marshall.... All these were run through the same greenback 4x12 ir....both the axe fx and the line 6 were way fuzzy and fat in the bottom end , then neither had near the top end clarity , or the clean percussive bleed through, while being overdriven , of the actual marshall....even lots of tweaking did not render the tone...the line 6 came closer, though still lacking preamp balance in when it did sound correct on the attack of a chord or lacked enough drive or preamp to sustain it.... Point being is I did this test afterwards with Gfx....and it sounded better than either of the other 2 units....hard to beleive..but that is why I done it... All I used was the plexi and the sim 4x12 greenback....the unadustable one..... Was far closer to the original marshall from the very get go....if I were to add some compression after the head...and mabey a good eq in front of the head (just to balance the feel charicteristics of the head) , I"m sure I could get an impeccable tone with the Gfx software... What kind of gets me is the fact that this same guy did a comparison of the zoom G11 to his plexi , with the greenback ir , and it did not sound as good as Gfx. Will test more...and mabey post a few more dry-ish presets..."as I get older , I find I use less and less fx...." Add them if you want them latter....most important is you have a tone you love the feel of first and foremost, period....then you add fx after its perfect feeling....eq makes it sound the way you want cab....and of course all the others in their proper places.... SowndGod..... P.S. To the Zoom team creators of Gfx... I have always had Zoom equipment....Gfx8 was my favorite machine...used it many years...and its VAMS architecture modeling platform... and agian I am completely impressed by your dedication to guitar amp/fx sim. please , keep up the good work , and lets get a power amp module sim in here too.. some frequency based ducking compression and a couple other little things and we'll have it....I know you got zoom mrs8 multitrack has multiband compression...