Hi I recently installed GFX and I like it a lot. I'm still getting to know the features. One thing I'm missing is search for Online Presets as the library is quite large. Please consider adding this feature.
Is this really the only post on this subject???? Tonelib is unusable with this. There isn't any way to narrow down the type of presets? surely this is was a problem as soon as at least 50 presets were loaded. Are there any work arounds that might help? Thanks
I have found its best to search from most popular. Might help to start there. Other than that, it's really about making your own and running with it. Best software I have found closest to Fractal and other layouts. Keep up the great work.
A workaround is to search for presets here: https://tonelib.net/forums/forums/tonelib-gfx-presets.27/. Then just download them to desktop and open them with Tonelib-GFX But I agree - it's a strange omission
I have found the sort function to be quite useful... Clicking Name, Author, Mod date and more has helped me to find many hidden gems. :::WORKAROUND::: Use GOOGLE to search the preset index... EXAMPLES: Code: metal site: https://tonelib.net/forums/categories/the-preset-library.5/ or Code: floyd site: https://tonelib.net/forums/categories/the-preset-library.5/ Google's spiders love indexing forums and you can leverage the power of their engine to find what you are looking for. Cheers!