Grace notes/Flam for drum tracks

Discussion in 'Testimonials & Suggestions' started by David Katona, Mar 7, 2025 at 9:23 AM.

  1. David Katona

    David Katona New Member

    Dear ToneLib team,

    If possible, please enable grace notes on drum track in ToneLib Jam so we could add flams and rolls to the score.

    As far as I can see it works for other instruments but not for drums. However, grace note symbols are widely used in drum scores as well.

    If I open a GP or midi file that has such notes it is displayed correctly. I could even add it to .song files manually by unpacking them and editing the "the_song.dat" file. When I open those files in ToneLib Jam that given note is not selectable but the next one is and it even highlights the "Grace" button on the Note tab but it's not editable. It would be much more convenient if we could manage them from the UI.

    Best Regards,