Greetings from Georgia!

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Michael Bridges, May 7, 2020.

  1. Michael Bridges

    Michael Bridges New Member

    Hello everybody. New to ToneLib, just discovered it a few days ago while searching for a good bass amp plug-in to use with Reaper. Discovered some of the best guitar sounds I've found anywhere, particularly that edge of breakup that I've had trouble with running direct. That's no longer an issue!
    My only real question is this: I'd love to run the Bassman amp, which is described as emulating a '59, thru the standard Tweed Bassman 4x10 cab. I cannot access that IR with the Bassman head pulled up, however. That to me is one of my Holy Grail tones. Am I just missing something, or a way to do it I'm not aware of? Any help would be appreciated!