Hello from a new member

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by J Carmona, May 7, 2024.

  1. J Carmona

    J Carmona New Member

    Hi there, first thank you for accepting me. I came across the Tonelib GFX after watching a YouTube video comparing Amp simulator. I have decided to take the guitar back out the closet after a 2 years break, a little bit lost with technology.
    I have a Scarlett 2i2 USB connected to my desktop and 1 Yamaha Speaker. I have connected my guitar to the Scarlett, but the software is asking me to connect an audio interface (see attached pictures). What am I doing wrong/ Could anyone help me with connecting the Scarlett etc so that I can test the different amps settings. Sorry forgot to mention that my PC runs Windows 11. Thank you

    Attached Files:

  2. J Carmona

    J Carmona New Member

    I have changed slightly the setup and the guitar produces some sounds, but it is the same sound coming out whatever amp i choose, from blues to metal. So not sure why it is not simulating the amp I am selecting. Thanks for any help

    Attached Files: