Help connecting Zoom B1Four to Win10 PC via USB

Discussion in 'Zoom B1/B1X Four' started by jeffw_00, Aug 12, 2024.

  1. jeffw_00

    jeffw_00 New Member

    Hi - just got my Zoom last week I installed GuitarLab on my Windows10 PC. Every time I open the program, it takes 1-3 minutes for the SW to "find" the connected Zoom pedal - does anyone else experience this? (I actually tried two different PCs with the same results)
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2024
  2. jeffw_00

    jeffw_00 New Member

    Interestingly, I don't have the problem with Tonelib Zoom...
  3. Demon

    Demon New Member

    I have the same thing. It is ok. Pay attention to the different inscription on the pedal screen when you connect GitarLab and Tone
  4. Rafi Akbar

    Rafi Akbar New Member

    maybe try using Tonelib ?
  5. desmond

    desmond New Member

    it takes time to connect .. if its not at all connecting, restart the pedal by disconnecting and reconnecting..
    Lil Phynott likes this.
  6. Jack Burton

    Jack Burton New Member

    I had the same problem. I tried a lot of things, but... at the end, it was a matter of cable! Be sure to use a data cable, some cables are ok to charge phones but not for data transfer!