If we can't use G3n/G3XN patches on a G5n why are they in the same thread...

Discussion in 'Zoom G3n/G3Xn/G5n' started by Makenshi, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Makenshi

    Makenshi New Member

    Title says it all. So stupid.
  2. USU

    USU New Member

    Hi Because you're on tonelib forum and with tonelib zoom app you can use g3n patches on g5n and g5n patches on g3n if it's not over 7 effect units.
    Give the app a try and you'll discover a lot of good sounds done by the communty
  3. Makenshi

    Makenshi New Member

    Hi! I don't doubt there are good sounds, in fact I found a fair few patches I wanted to try out. However the Tonelib app doesn't help me get patches onto my G5n pedal board!
  4. USU

    USU New Member

    The only thing I can suggest is:
    Check if the firmware of the unit is correctly updated and then try to import a patch in .zgx3n or .zg3n format (not in .ztpc) in tonelib.
    It should work, because I successfully imported zg5n files in my g3xn. I usually share patches in that format so you can easily use one of mine as a test