Jaco Pastorius Tone

Discussion in 'Zoom B1/B1X Four' started by rBass, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. rBass

    rBass New Member

    Hi all !
    I developed these patches with the aim of emulating the tone of the great Jaco Pastorius: I would like someone to test and tell me what they think; the "Jaco NEW" patch is obviously newer and sounds much better, it took me a while but I think it's a good result; the bass I used is a SIRE V3; thanks for your replies

    Attached Files:

    lacdura likes this.
  2. Andy25x

    Andy25x New Member

    I've also been trying to get closer to the Jaco sound, I'll try your patch! Thanks!
    rBass likes this.