Led zeppelin stairway to heaven clear tone

Discussion in 'ToneLib-GFX presets' started by GuiPla, Jul 20, 2022.

  1. GuiPla

    GuiPla New Member

    Led zeppelin stairway to heaven clear tone

    Preset name: stairway to heaven

    Authentic clear brit Jimmy Page's sound

    Effects chain:

    Effect: "Tube Warmth" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Input" = 48
    "Warmth" = 81
    "Level" = 50

    Effect: "Booster" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 41

    Effect: "Vx Ac15" (Amp simulators), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 50
    "Bass" = 50
    "Middle" = 50
    "Treble" = 50
    "Presence" = 66
    "Master" = 50
    "Level (dB)" = 0

    Effect: "Cab Sim" (Cabinets), active - "yes"
    "Model" = 4x12" 1960 T75
    "Level (dB)" = 3

    Effect: "Chorus St" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes"
    "Speed" = 3.2
    "Depth" = 41
    "Center" = 4.4
    "Mix" = 40

    Effect: "AnalogDly" (Delay), active - "yes"
    "Time" = 380
    "Feedback" = 33
    "Tone" = 62
    "Mix" = 41

    Effect: "Room Rvb" (Reverberation), active - "yes"
    "Time" = 4.5
    "PreDelay" = 0
    "LoDamp" = 46
    "HiDamp" = 25
    "Mix" = 59

    Note: You will need to download and install the ToneLib-GFX software to use the preset.

    Attached Files:

    baller, Gary Counsellor and Onur like this.