Metal tone

Discussion in 'ToneLib-GFX presets' started by adikoe, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. adikoe

    adikoe New Member

    Metal tone

    Preset name: METAL Killer

    Effects chain:

    Effect: "Noise Reducer" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Sens" = 90
    "Mode" = Hard

    Effect: "Rack Comp" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Threshold (dB)" = -1
    "Ratio" = 16
    "Attack" = Fast
    "Release (ms)" = 606
    "Knee" = 69
    "Level (dB)" = 2

    Effect: "Metal DS" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes"
    "Dist" = 100
    "Bass" = 54
    "Middle" = 50
    "Treble" = 49
    "Level" = 73

    Effect: "Booster" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 27

    Effect: "Guitar IRs Cab" (Cabinets), active - "yes"
    "Model" = Peavey 5150 (4x12")
    "Mic Position" = Center
    "Mic Distance" = Middle
    "Low Cut (Hz)" = 118
    "Hi Cut (kHz)" = 7.0
    "Mix" = 70
    "Level (dB)" = 8

    Effect: "IR Processor" (Cabinets), active - "yes"
    "IR" = Cab IR Sample3
    "Low Cut (Hz)" = 170
    "Hi Cut (kHz)" = 4.5
    "Mix" = 100
    "Level (dB)" = 2

    Effect: "GuitarEQ" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "160 Hz" = 9
    "400 Hz" = 3
    "800 Hz" = -4
    "1.6 kHz" = 1
    "3.2 kHz" = -4
    "6.4 kHz" = -2
    "12 kHz" = 9
    "Level (dB)" = 3

    Effect: "Studio Rvb" (Reverberation), active - "yes"
    "Time" = 6.3
    "PreDelay" = 44
    "LoDamp" = 0
    "HiDamp" = 12
    "Mix" = 15

    Note: You will need to download and install the ToneLib-GFX software to use the preset.

    Attached Files:

    Dark987, ALDOS_LAVANDOS, qred and 3 others like this.