MIDI Preset change should not autosave in Tonelib GFX.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by hmollercl, Sep 25, 2023.

  1. hmollercl

    hmollercl New Member

    Hi, currently when you change preset in the interface it ask if changes should be saved or not (unless you hace autosave turned on). But when you do this with midi it autosaved all the changes.
    This behaivour isn't ideal because sometimes you change the preset temporary (wah on/off is the clearest example) but don't want to be saved that way.
    If it is to compex to separate behaivour form midi and interface, add an option to never ask for saving when modified and the changes should be manually saved (without asking). Pod HD, for example, works that way)
  2. hmollercl

    hmollercl New Member

    still present in 4.8.0