MS60B Wont connect to Tonelib

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by elvis valentine, Jun 25, 2021.

  1. elvis valentine

    elvis valentine New Member

    Hi folks,

    I posted this already but i think i may have posted it in the ms60b patch section...

    No matter what i do my unit wont connect to Tonelib.
    I get various errors depending on what I do...
    ms60b 2.10 Firmware, Version 1.00, Boot 1.10
    tonelib either shuts down after a few seconds not making any connection, or i get one of these errors...Unable to get an identity response from the "check", or for zoom ms60b the 1.10 firmware detected (2.10 supported)
    I have used 4 different usb cables i have tried with an ext PSU and without. I'm tearing my hair out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.