Plain text (diff-friendly) patch files?

Discussion in 'Testimonials & Suggestions' started by Jim Allman, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Jim Allman

    Jim Allman New Member

    I'd love to see a diff-able text format, maybe JSON or just the text that appears when clicking [Spoiler: Patch settings] in the forum. Would it be possible to round-trip from this format to a binary .zb1xf, esp. to update a patch with manual changes to this text?

    I realize this can be done (slowly) using ToneLib Zoom's clipboard features. But I'm thinking of a workflow that involves backing up versions of patches that can easily be "diffed" as text. For example, git and GitHub support default file viewers that could run on-demand, so that patches stored as binary could be "viewed" and diffed as text automatically.

    Maybe it's a silly idea, since the proof is in the listening, and you've made that easy with the "Sound check" feature. All in all, a great program!