SAXOPHONE Patch help

Discussion in 'Request patch' started by tenormichael, Feb 21, 2025 at 3:26 PM.

  1. tenormichael

    tenormichael New Member

    hi, i am a saxophone player, but i have the G1X FOUR for my guitar and i would like to use it with my saxophone. I thought the best would be to use (get inspired by) the patches from A1X, but there are nowhere to be found (like how the effexts are set in the saxophone patches of the device)

    1) is there any way i could use the zoom G1X as zoom A1X for the zoom original software to download the A1X patches? (if i understood correctly, change the sysex so the software thinks the A1X is connected)

    2) does anyone have the A1X Four and could maybe post the settings of the saxophone patches?

    3) are there anywhere A1X patches to download?

    thanks, hope it makes sense!