She Sells Sanctuary

Discussion in 'Zoom G3n/G3Xn/G5n' started by Mgal, May 24, 2024.

  1. Mgal

    Mgal New Member

    She Sells Sanctuary

    Device: Zoom G5n
    Firmware: 3.00

    Name on device: The Cult
    Optimized for: Guitar Amp

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    Using on a Zoom G5n

    Effect: "SweetDrv" (Overdrive / Distortion), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 78
    "Tone" = 50
    "Focus" = 67
    "Volume" = 62

    Effect: "Phaser" (Modulation), active - "yes"
    "Color" = 4 STG
    "Depth" = 100
    "Rate" = 12
    "Resonance" = 40

    Effect: "AnalogCho" (Modulation), active - "yes"
    "Depth" = 65
    "Rate" = 54
    "Tone" = 49
    "Mix" = 82

    Effect: "Dual DLY" (Delay), active - "yes"
    "TimeA" = 400
    "F.B A" = 32
    "TimeB" = 800
    "F.B B" = 31
    "DlyMx" = 50
    "Balance" = 20
    "Depth" = MN-0
    "Speed" = 0

    Effect: "Room" (Reverb), active - "yes"
    "PreD" = 15
    "Decay" = 30
    "Mix" = 15
    "Tail" = Off

    Effect: "PDL Vol" (Pedal), active - "yes"
    "Volume" = 100
    "Min" = 0
    "Max" = 100
    "Curve" = A

    Patch Volume: 100
    DSP Load: 61%

    Note: This is a patch file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib-Zoom software to use the patch.

    Attached Files:

  2. Mgal

    Mgal New Member

    Switch off the sweet drive for the intro, then for the verse and chorus switch it back on and switch off the delay, chorus and phase.
    Or copy the patch and make a separate intro and lead.