ToneLib GFX VST for Linux

Discussion in 'Testimonials & Suggestions' started by alexthebassist, Apr 11, 2019.

  1. Olmedo

    Olmedo New Member

    Yes!!! It works thanks for the quick response. It is a great tool!
  2. Vasilis Lambrou

    Vasilis Lambrou New Member

    I'm bringing this up again, Tonelib works as a plugin only with the version 3.8.0. With any newer versions I've tried, Ardour cannot find it as a plugin.
  3. karlosnoir

    karlosnoir New Member

    Greetings to all. I see that ToneLib 4.6.6 works perfectly as a Linux-VST plugin in Ardour 6.8.0 64-bit in Linux Mint.. If it does not appear in the list of plugins, simply copy the plugin to a folder where you save your plugins for Ardour. Great job for Linux. Thank you ToneLib. :):):)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2021
  4. IdotT

    IdotT New Member

    Working well with Debian using Mixbus/Ardour and Bitwig. Thank you.