Tonelib Jam 4.6-1 Linux: no printing option

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by gitano, Mar 3, 2021.

  1. gitano

    gitano New Member


    First i would like to give a big thumbs up on Your software! At the moment i am testing both Tonelib GFX and Jam on Ubuntu 20.04 on my way to make a mayor switch to this platform and i am absolutely stunned at the quality of Tonelib GFX, totally am going to buy it!

    Meanwhile having a look at Jam in versions 4.5-7 to 4.6-1 as well, i cannot find a print menu for the score neither under file or in the export menu? Printing works well under Windows and Mac, am i missing something here, is this a bug or is this going to be implemented later?

    Thank You very much!

    Best regards,
    - gitano

    Attached Files:

  2. gitano

    gitano New Member

    Hello again,

    having had a test with 4.6.6 there is still no option to print any files under Ubuntu 20.04 -> am i missing something here?

    Best regards,
  3. Matoro

    Matoro New Member

    Still no printing option under Ubuntu (20.04), 4.7.0
    I like the ToneLib Jam, but printing (pdf export) is a must have before buying
  4. gitano

    gitano New Member


    good to hear i am not the only one here with this behaviour in JAM :) Why printing is implemented in JAM on Win and OSX but not in the Linux version is beyond my grasp... CUPS as a printing backend is also used in OSX, isn't it? Shouldn't be too hard to implement, i guess.

    Well, this is a gamestopper here, too. As Arobas Music has dropped the Linux client with GP7 (unfortunately GP6 isn't usable under modern Linux versions anymore :/), Tonelib Jam would be a very nice alternative. I'm totally aware of the capabilities of Musescore (currently looking into it more deeply), but for a quick'n'dirty edit of a new guitar tab JAM wold be nice. With a quick PDF print/ export option for a student.

    Anyways, maybe this get's addressed sometime in the future. If it needs to get more copies sold -> the sooner the better, i guess :)

    Best regards.
  5. gitano

    gitano New Member

    ... so, 2 years later and having a look at 4.7.8 -> still no printing option. weird.