Transpose DOWN incorrectly handles open strings

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kring, Jun 7, 2022.

  1. Kring

    Kring New Member

    I believe I discovered a bug in the transpose, it seems to struggle with transposing down open strings, transposing up works.

    I've tried on a few different tabs and it occurs consistently that low E and A strings don't transpose to OPEN or take strange actions by moving up an octave to fret 12, or higher. so a Bb transposes correctly to A for all strings but the Low E, which goes to fret 15.

    I am new to Tonelib jam, I'm on day 3 of trial and so far it's really impressive and plan to buy it. I often do transposing so this is great feature to have.

    included a before/after screenshot - this is Alice in Chains Rooster for example.

    Attached Files:

  2. tonelibwlk

    tonelibwlk Member

    Sorry, just another user looking at this, and wanted to see what this question was about.

    I find this really interesting, and if you think about it, if you have some open chord like that, where you have some open strings plus some fingered notes rather high up on the fingerboard, then transposing that by a half step down (or up, for that matter), I can see lots of situations where an impossible fingering is created. That's just the way it is, and one of the reasons why we have alternate tunings (so you can play some thing that you technically *can't* play in a different tuning).

    All I'm trying to say is that, in the cases where one creates this "impossible" fingering... what is the software to do? Should it balk and say, "sorry, can't transpose that", or should it say, "Hope your hands are as big as Shaq's, because here is an insane stretch"? It looks like these programmers have opted for the latter. I'm only projecting myself into the minds of the ToneLib guys. So, may not be a bug... a choice had to be made, and both are imperfect.

    See what I'm saying?

    Looking at measure 2, it's interesting to map it out and you can almost see how the programming is processing the chord. Transposing down the 07600 chord, it's neat to see that it took the notes on the F# and C# strings and flipped them, in an effort to simplify the fingering, and then... how does it handle the next note? LOL. That's quite a programming challenge, and as I mentioned, there are some chords which are simply unplayable (with a certain tuning). Probably the best way for them to handle this would be to plug all these options into some machine learning, and keep tweaking it that way, because for a human to capture all the nuances could be quite complex and time consuming, and some ML would find the least-worst option :) But some things are just un-doable. Just my two cents, from a paying customer.