Was My thread deleted?

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by RichievoL, Apr 24, 2024.

  1. RichievoL

    RichievoL New Member

    WhAt happened to my threads? I posted one yesterday and one about 2 months ago, I cant find any evident of any posts.
    Im just trying to find info about weather I can recalibrate my expression pedal. Can anyone help?
    Emily Thompson likes this.
  2. electrotune

    electrotune Member

    If it's for G1X FOUR, the Expression pedal calibration is part of Power-on-Settings. Check out the official manual pdf (pp. 54, "Adjusting the pedal")

    Adjusting the pedal sensitivity
    1. While pressing "SETTING" button, turn the power on. This opens the "PEDAL CALIBRATION" screen.
    2. Operate the pedal as shown on the display, and press FSw1 or FSw2 each time.
    3. Calibration is finished when “Complete!” appears
    Emily Thompson likes this.
  3. RichievoL

    RichievoL New Member

    Thanks so much. These things just come with a "Quick Guide" now. Ill try and find the manual cause Im sure theres more helpfull stuff in it
    Emily Thompson likes this.
  4. Ahmed kabeer

    Ahmed kabeer New Member

    It sounds like you're experiencing some frustration with your posts disappearing. It's possible they might have been removed or buried in the feed. Regarding your question about recalibrating your expression pedal, I'd be glad to help. Recalibration can often be done following the manufacturer's instructions or through online resources specific to your pedal model. Could you provide more details about the pedal you're using? That way, I can assist you more effectively.
    Emily Thompson likes this.