I've openned this discussion to discover MIDI messages to Zoom G1On/G1xOn. I'd like to know if there is a sysex command that toggle effect (on/off) for the current patch. I know the there are 2 messages, one to enable e another to disable. I need just one to toggle. If the effect is on turns to off, and if it's off turns it on. Thanks
Zoom multi-effect pedals commonly use SysEx command:[0x31,(slotid),0x00,(enable),0x00], where slotid:{0x00, ... maxfx-1}, enable:{0x00=Off, 0x01=On}. G1on deviceID:0x63, G1Xon deviceID:0x64
All of them must be inside the pedals' firmware... The editors like Guitar Lab, ToneLib or whatever custom ones use some of the Sysex commands.
Right - but are the *documented* somewhere? I am thinking of writing a simple utility to quickly arrange my chains so they are in order of playing. I *COULD* do it with Tonelib for Android, except it won't install on the latest Android devices (even my 4 year old device doesn't work). But if I can find a list of the sysex commands used, I might be able to write something myself. So I need documentation - if it can be found anywhere. (thanks for the reply, though)