Zoom G1xOn MIDI Messages

Discussion in 'General discussion' started by Luiz Eustáquio da Silva, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. I've openned this discussion to discover MIDI messages to Zoom G1On/G1xOn.
    I'd like to know if there is a sysex command that toggle effect (on/off) for the current patch. I know the there are 2 messages, one to enable e another to disable. I need just one to toggle. If the effect is on turns to off, and if it's off turns it on.

  2. electrotune

    electrotune Member

    Zoom multi-effect pedals commonly use SysEx command:[0x31,(slotid),0x00,(enable),0x00], where slotid:{0x00, ... maxfx-1}, enable:{0x00=Off, 0x01=On}.

    G1on deviceID:0x63, G1Xon deviceID:0x64
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2023
  3. Earl Brown

    Earl Brown New Member

    Is there a list of all of the sysex commands used by the Zoom pedals anywhere?
  4. electrotune

    electrotune Member

    All of them must be inside the pedals' firmware... The editors like Guitar Lab, ToneLib or whatever custom ones use some of the Sysex commands.
  5. Earl Brown

    Earl Brown New Member

    Right - but are the *documented* somewhere?

    I am thinking of writing a simple utility to quickly arrange my chains so they are in order of playing.

    I *COULD* do it with Tonelib for Android, except it won't install on the latest Android devices (even my 4 year old device doesn't work).

    But if I can find a list of the sysex commands used, I might be able to write something myself.

    So I need documentation - if it can be found anywhere.

    (thanks for the reply, though)