Clean Church II

Discussion in 'ToneLib-GFX presets' started by tommikoo, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. tommikoo

    tommikoo New Member

    Clean Church II

    GFX version: 3.0

    Preset name: Clean Church II
    Optimized for: Phones/Speaker

    Effects chain:

    Patch comments:
    Big and lush.

    Effect: "Noise Reducer" (Dynamics / Filter), active - "yes"
    "Sens" = 50
    "Mode" = Soft

    Effect: "Jc Clean" (Amp simulators), active - "yes"
    "Gain" = 29
    "Bass" = 61
    "Middle" = 35
    "Treble" = 75
    "Presence" = 27
    "Master" = 76
    "Output" = 50
    "Level (dB)" = 6

    Effect: "Chorus St" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes"
    "Speed" = 1.9
    "Depth" = 31
    "Center" = 4.4
    "Mix" = 66

    Effect: "Cab Sim" (Cabinets), active - "yes"
    "Model" = 4x12" 1960 T75
    "Level (dB)" = 0

    Effect: "PitchShift" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes"
    "Pitch" = 12
    "Fine" = 0
    "Tracking" = 27
    "Direct" = 100
    "Effect" = 32

    Effect: "Vib Delay" (Modulation / Sfx), active - "yes"
    "Speed" = 5.7
    "Depth" = 47
    "Feedback" = 75
    "Time" = 6.1
    "Mix" = 51
    "Mode" = 0

    Effect: "HD Hall Rvb" (Reverb), active - "yes"
    "Time" = 8.3
    "PreLPF" = 39
    "PreDelay" = 0
    "HiDamp" = 75
    "LoGain" = -7.9
    "Mix" = 76

    Note: This is a ToneLib-GFX preset file, you will need to download and install the ToneLib-GFX software to use the preset.

    Attached Files:

    solstice, Karahan, d1ablx and 17 others like this.