TL Metal v.1.2 is ready for download

TL NoiseReducer is now available for free download

October 3, 2022

During the autumn lull, we have decided to give our users some more freeware. Our team is excited to announce that we've finished working on another plugin! Meet TL NoiseReducer! This plugins has been added to the Freeware collection and is already available for free download, so you can have a closer look right now.

Powerful, yet simple two-unit rack effect on guard of your mix clarity.

Powerful, yet simple two-unit  rack effect on guard of your mix clarity.

Powerful, yet simple, this plugin modulates a two-unit noise reduction rack effect, which is capable to easily remove all the unwanted noises from your mix. Designed to be straightforward and easy to use, TL NoiseReducer adapts perfectly to practicaly every specific task you aimed on. You won't find anything superfluous in the controls of this plugin - just tell it how closely to monitor the input signal and how strictly to respond, and that's it. Still find it complicated? The Reducer Unit Auto-Mode and EasyGate Unit itself will further simplify your workflow with this plugin, leaving you with just one knob each to adjust the effect's sensitivity.  Learn more about TL NoiseReducer.