Language Files are small files which can be downloaded and will translate some or most of Tonelib GFX into another language. They are typically files named “LANGUAGE_NAME.gfx_lang”, and if you open them on the computer (either by doubleclicking or drag and dropping into Tonelib GFX) they will be installed into Tonelib GFX’s folder, and Tonelib GFX will switch to use that language. Note that to use language files, you need Tonelib GFX 4.4.0+. Switching languages requires restarting Tonelib GFX.
A full list of available language files is available on the Tonelib Forum. For your convenience, here are some direct links to some automatically generated languages:
GFX language files are automatically generated by Google Translate, however, they are constantly being improved and updated. Additionally you can help improve the language files youself by editing the file for your required language.
If you wish to translate Tonelib GFX to another language, you can download the Template Language File and get started editing the relevant lines using a plain text editor. Simply search for the phrase you want to change and save the changes. Some notes: